Is there anything better than snuggling in bed or on the couch on a cold winter day? SSD Sonora doesn't think so! When she was in the kennel for advanced training, she loved to snuggle on the bed with her kennelmate. Even though her run had two beds, she still loved to curl up with her kennelmate on the same bed.
Although she is now a working service dog who now snuggles with her partner, she is thankful for everyone who helps maintain the kennel for the dogs in advanced training. We have a wonderful staff person who cleans the kennel runs every day, and Sonora would like to add, gives the dogs peanut butter bones! The runs and the training room are kept nice and clean so they are a pleasant place to live and work.
Once a year, we spend an entire weekend cleaning the kennel from top to bottom until the kennel sparkles. A group of volunteers help us clean windows and doors, patch any rusty areas, clean and paint the training room, remove dead trees from the field where the dogs run and play, and repair fences. Last year we had over thirty volunteers helping us fix up the kennel! With their help, we were able to completely redo the fence in the field.
Sonora would like to thank everyone who kept the kennel clean and warm while she was in advance training. She's sure the dogs currently in advance training appreciate it, too!
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